Women Who Are Less Aware Of Secondary Infertility

Realmhealthy - Many women are less aware of secondary infertility. Secondary infertility is difficulty getting pregnant for a second time. Just because you've got a first child, does not guarantee that you will be able to have a second child with ease. This problem is not only faced by women, even men also. Here are some of the main reasons why you have trouble conceiving a baby for the second time, reported Boldsky.
Women Who Are Less Aware Of Secondary Infertility

1. Age

Anda. age affects fertility decline in fertility starts at age 30. By age 35, there is also a decrease in hormonal activity. If you are in late thirties, your fertility is not productive when young.

2. Former Operations

Sometimes previous surgery scars can cause formation of tissue around your uterus. For instance caesarean section scars. Transfer sef-endometrial cells through the bloodstream or the lymphatic system is rare, but can lead to cases of endometriosis that develops in the brain or other organs distant from the pelvis.

3. Polycystic Ovary

Just because you do not have polycystic ovary syndrome at the age of 20, it does not mean you are free from the syndrome in your 30s. In addition, the problem of infertility due to poly cystic ovaries become worse as the elderly.

4. Blockage Due To Fibroids

Sometimes fibroids grow large enough to block the channel mature eggs from the ovaries. Fibroids are very common to appear at the age of late 30s. But the blockage can be treated with surgery or take medication.

5. The Number Of Sperm

If a woman becomes less fertile due to aging, as well as your partner. Aging can sometimes reduce the number and quality of sperm and quality. Men typically encounter this problem when the age of 40. But it can happen earlier if the man is often stressful.

6. Smoking

Smoking causes infertility in both men and women. For men, smoking will reduce the number and quality of sperm. Even for women, smoking causes damage to the egg cell in the ovary. The effect is cumulative can ruin your chances for a second pregnancy.

7. Pregnancy previous

Complications during her first pregnancy can make you infertile later. For example, if you develop an infection of the ovaries or inflammation of the pelvis During your first delivery, then it can lead to infertility later on.

8. Ectopic Pregnancy

If you have an ectopic pregnancy (the fetus develops outside the uterus) after your first pregnancy, it can reduce your chances of INIA to comprehend anymore. Ectopic pregnancy is damaging the fallopian tube and form scar tissue.

9. Diabetes

If you suffer from diabetes after the first pregnancy, the disease will hinder you to get pregnant again. Also pregnant women who suffer from diabetes are likely to have babies who experience obstacles in forming an early memory.Also read the article Between Myths And Facts About Diabetes

10. Thyroid Damage

Increasing age can cause various diseases. Tiroid damage is one of them. Thyroid hormone is essential for proper ovulation. If the thyroid is damaged then it affects your chances of a second pregnancy.

If you are hard to get a baby for the second time, you should immediately consult a doctor before its too late.
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