Multiple Benefits of Fish Lemuru, One of Them Prevent Coronary Heart Disease

Realmhealthy - Coronary heart disease is a deadly disease number one in the world. Coronary heart disease is a disease caused by atherosclerosis of the blood vessels. Atherosclerosis is the thickening and loss of elasticity of the arterial wall due to the formation of deposits of yellowish plaques containing cholesterol and other fatty materials lining of blood vessels.
Benefits of Fish Lemuru, One of Them Prevent Coronary Heart Disease

The main risk factors of atherosclerosis is excess fat in the blood (dyslipidemia). The risk factor is what can interfere with the function of endothelial (blood vessel lining) thus causing endothelial dysfunction. Endothelial dysfunction may occur locally and acute chronic changes that lead to increased permeability of plasma lipoproteins, reducing the bioavailability of Nitric Oxide (NO), hiperadhesi leukocytes, balance disorders of vasoactive substances, stimulants and growth inhibitors, pro and antithrombotic agent. This is the beginning of proliferative processes in the artery wall that will develop into atherosclerotic plaques cause of coronary heart disease.

The last few decades, the United States and some other countries have achieved progress on the impact of diseases related to atherosclerosis. This was achieved by doing primary prevention or the prevention of the formation of atheroma (atherosclerosis seed) on endothelial wall. The prevention is to repair intake food containing omega-3 fatty acids. American Heart Association (AHA) recommends consumption of omega-3 fatty acid that serves as cardioprotection (cardioprotective) in primary prevention. Omega-3 fatty acids found in many fish.

Indonesia is a maritime country with marine production has increased from year to year in line with the target government through the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) to make Indonesia as the largest fish producer in the world. From all the fish are abundant in Central Java. Fish oil sardine (Sardinella lemuru) became one of the commodities belle with omega-3 fatty acid content is very high. The content of omega 3 fish oil sardine can benefit as primary prevention of atherosclerosis by preventing endothelial damage. However due lemuru consumption in Indonesia is still low, the expected publication lemuru potential as a healthy food antiaterosklerosis can be made in even encouraged people to eat fish movement lemuru as a solution to encourage people to make lemuru as mandatory meal. Hopefully with this article can be socialized properly to the people of Indonesia to be able to eat fish, especially lemuru as coronary heart disease preventing foods.
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