Do you feel totally in shape every day

Realmhealthy - Do you feel completely fit every day? If not, chances are you have neglected one of the essential nutrients your body needs daily. The human body requires a wide range of nutrients and minerals to keep them running properly and optimally. Many people tried to meet calcium, iron, Vitamins C, or potassium. But if only the nutrients needed by the body? The answer is no.

Here are some of the types of nutrients that are often overlooked by people and not met, as reported by She Knows.

Nutrients Needed By The Body

1. Magnesium

Magnesium helps the body to get energy and is essential for cardiovascular health. Magnesium helps break down the calcium in the body. Although calcium is highly needed by the body, but calcium can not be absorbed and broken down well if it is not supported by magnesium. Magnesium can prevent osteoporosis, maintain blood pressure, insomnia, depression, and diabetes. Foods that contain magnesium include cocoa powder, sunflower seeds, nuts, beans, spinach, oatmeal, and more.

2. Vitamins B6

Vitamin B6 helps the body to maintain nerve function and helps the formation of red blood cells. This vitamin helps the body maintain blood sugar levels and has a role in controlling the quality of sleep and appetite. If you feel confused or irritable often, try to increase your intake of B6 every day. Foods that contain B6 include beef, chicken, turkey, cassava, bananas and garlic.

3. Vitamins B12

B12 deficiency can lead to anemia, fatigue, weight loss, depression, and poor memory. This is because vitamin B12 help convert carbohydrates into glucose which is responsible for providing energy. This vitamin also helps control the nervous system and makes skin and hair looking fresh. Not only that, vitamin B12 also keep the body from the possibility of lung cancer, breast cancer, and prostate. Vitamin B12 is found in some foods such as fish, crab, beef, cheese, eggs, milk, yogurt, and oysters.

4. Folic acid

If you do not consume enough fruits and vegetables, you will most likely folic acid deficiency. Some of the symptoms of folic acid deficiency is anemia that can cause headaches, fatigue, tongue tasted bitter, and trouble concentrating. Folic acid to keep the brain in order to stay young, keep the heart healthy and prevent colon cancer. Some foods that contain folic acid are broccoli, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes, mushrooms, fish, eggs, chicken meat.

5. Vitamins E

Although vitamin E needs of humans in only 15 milligrams a day, most people are inadequate. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and can boost immunity and help reduce the risk of cancer. Vitamin E can reduce cholesterol and maintain healthy skin and hair. Vitamin E is also good for the eyes, and even prevent brain diseases such as Alzheimer's. Vitamin E can be obtained via the avocado, almonds, sunflower seeds, spinach, kale, olive oil or fruit, and more.

That's some kind of nutrients that may be too often missed. In addition to meeting the basic nutrition, do not forget the other important nutrients for a healthy body.
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