Between Myths And Facts About Diabetes

Realmhealthy - Diabetes is one disease that greatly affects many people. How not, the data shown on the international diabetes federation even suggests that people with diabetes in Indonesia turned to the five highest in the world! Seeing this fact, many Indonesian people are apparently not able to adopt a healthier lifestyle so easily affected by diabetes. In addition, the myths that developed in the community is to make the prevention of diabetes becomes increasingly difficult to do. Here are some myths that are strongly associated with diabetes in Indonesia.

Myths And Facts About Diabetes

Myth Type of Diabetes and Age Factor

You can ask yourself, do you know the types of diabetes? Many ordinary people think that diabetes is one of the diseases and diabetes type 1 and type 2 are the same. In fact, both types of the disease require different handling in which patients with type 1 diabetes have experienced a phase in which the body no longer produces insulin and requires insulin injections and type 2 diabetics require only a third of insulin injections alone. Moreover, many people who think if diabetes would only strike the elderly just so young when we can make lifestyle and diet wishes. In fact, many teens who have had diabetes type two. Normally, children or teenagers will have the problem of obesity since childhood so prone to diabetes.

Myth Food Sweet and Carbohydrates

To prevent diabetes, the general public often believes that eating sweet foods and carbohydrates is highly prohibited. Whereas, in reality, people with diabetes can still eat carbs instead, although the numbers would be limited and in accordance with the doctor's advice. In addition, sweet foods were not necessarily the cause of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes occurs due to lifestyle very unhealthy like lack of exercise, hobbies eating less healthy foods, or even difficulty maintaining an ideal body weight. Meanwhile, type 1 diabetes actually caused by problems with the autoimmune system that causes the pancreas can no longer produce insulin. Reduce consumption of sweet foods will indeed be very good for keeping the body healthy and keeping the body weight, however, this does not necessarily directly reduce the risk of diabetes.

Myth Diabetes Type Dry & Wet Type

Last myths about diabetes on their diabetes community are dry type and wet type. No type of diabetes is like this. People consider diabetes as a wet-type diabetes mellitus only because if the body is exposed to the wound, the wound can not dry up completely and cause dangerous complications. However, this myth is still not true.

That's between Myths And Facts About Diabetes can be informed, may be useful for the reader all. Thank you and please in the share
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