13 Tips To Avoid Cancer

Realmhealthy - Cancer is a disease that starts in our cells. Our bodies have millions of cells grouped into tissues and organs, including muscles and bones, lungs and liver. Each cell contains genes that regulate growth, work, reproduce and die. Normally our cells obey the command of their data and stay healthy.


13 Tips To Avoid Cancer

1. Limit Red Meat

A high intake of red meat increases the risk of tumors. According to the study, the possibility of colon cancer increased by 35% for big eaters of red meat and cold cuts. animal fat supports the production of certain carcinogenic bile acids by the liver. Instead, the big fish eaters were 30% lower risk.

In Practice: Health officials advise not exceed 300 to 500 grams of red meat (beef, pork, lamb) per week. Priority should be given fish. Poultry has it, a neutral effect on the risk. Noting cooking at high temperatures, such as barbecues and fries. They will form a particular cancer-causing compounds Food.

2. Flush Cancer In Your Neighborhood

Air pollution, occupational hazards, domestic products: some carcinogens sometimes surround us without our knowledge. According to the French Institute of the Environment, 4% of cancers are related to occupational exposure. Among the factors: asbestos, coal and wood dust. Radon, a radioactive gas found naturally in the air, increasing the risk of lung cancer in the case of large absorption. Some cleaning products contain potentially carcinogenic benzene, ether glycol or formalin.

In practice: We must focus on cleaning products without solvents. For radon, only the concentration of this gas in confined spaces is a risk. Individuals can request the analysis of the level of radon in their homes.

3. Carefully Fat "Trans"

Excess fat is certain so-called "trans fats" are involved in lung cancer, colon, rectum, breast and prostate. According to the study E3N France (2008), the risk of breast cancer doubled in women with high levels of fat "trans" high.

In practice: to be avoided for maximum fat "trans." They abound in the snacks industry type breads, cookies, cakes pasta and margarine. They are easily recognizable in the composition of food, under the name "hydrogenated fat", "partially hydrogenated vegetable fat" or "fat transhydrogénées".

4. Note Weight

Overweight people at high risk population. Being overweight is involved in many cancers: breast, endometrium (uterus), kidney, bladder, colon, rectum and esophagus. According to a 2001 study published in the International Journal of Cancer, obesity is the cause of 39% of endometrial cancer and 25% of kidney cancer and bladder.

In practice: body mass index (BMI) should be between 18 and 25 in adults to reduce the risk. BMI is calculated by dividing weight by their height squared. Those with a score higher than 25 or take a quick kilo should seek advice from their doctor.

5. Reduce Alcohol Consumption

A related deaths in ten cancers caused by alcohol. Wine, beer and other cocktails to attack the liver. Result: they can lead to cirrhosis which can develop into cancer. Alcohol also among involved in cancer of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, colon, rectum and breast cancers are the same. Stacking with tobacco increases the risk. A moderate smokers with high alcohol consumption will increase her risk of esophageal cancer nearly forty.

In practice: Recommendations from the National Institute for Prevention and Health Education (INPE), which up to 2 drinks per day for women, three for men. But even here, the risk increases. To shelter any regular consumption of alcohol is prohibited.

6. Eat Fruits, Vegetables And Cereals

Diet plays a major role in cancer prevention. Hundreds of studies and showed a protective effect of fruit and vegetables. They help to control weight, risk factors. They also stimulate the body's protective and neutralizing certain carcinogens. Fiber in fruits, vegetables and grains, speeding transit. This action will reduce the contact time between carcinogens and the principle of the digestive tract. Fruits and vegetables act mainly on the digestive system cancers: mouth, esophagus, stomach or colon.

In practice: You should consume at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day, about 400 g. Recommended fiber intake of 20 g minimum.

7. Stop Smoking

With one out of three cases, the cancer-causing tobacco occupy. The reason: First, tar. But also urethane, vinyl chloride or benzopyrene, a carcinogen also. Tobacco remains a major source of lung cancer and respiratory tract. It is also responsible for many cancers of the bladder, pancreas, kidney and breast. The risk increases with the length of time and number of cigarettes a person smoked roast.

In Practice: The decline in consumption is not immune. But the total cessation of smoking can divide half the risk of lung cancer within five years. If smokers can sometimes stop themselves, it is often easier to be accompanied.

8. Perform Physical Activity Regularly

Physical activity reduces the risk in a significant proportion. It reduces obesity, a major cause of cancer. Physical activity acts directly on colon cancer. Accelerate transit and shorten the presence of potentially carcinogenic components in the digestive system. It also reduces the risk of breast, uterine and prostate, by acting on metabolism and hormones.

In Practice: A very mild physical activity already have a very significant effect on cancer risk. One hour of walking per week reduces the risk of death by 20% of breast cancer in women who already had a tumor. More exercise routine, intense and prolonged, the more important benefits.

9. Protect Yourself From the Sun

The main cause of skin cancer: overexposure to the sun. Ultraviolet rays provide a good appearance, of course. But they are responsible for cancer. The reason: UVB rays cause mutations in genes. As for UVA, they attack the cells indirectly. Repeated exposure thus promoting changes in cancer cells.

In practice: We should avoid exposure between 12 and 16 pm. high protection sunscreen, UVA and UVB, is important. We must repeat the application every two hours and bring as many clothes, a hat and sunglasses. The population most at risk: people with fair skin, blond or red hair, with lots of freckles or wheat beauté.à friend Text Size discuss cancer forum

10. No Need to Take Supplements Food

Except for medical advice, there is no necessary dietary supplements in the prevention of cancer. Various supplements of vitamins, minerals and trace elements play a preventive role. Worse, in the Finnish and American studies, intensive taking beta-carotene, alone or with vitamins, gives the opposite effect in some smokers and those at risk. Other studies, such as SU.VI.MAX (2003) in France, suggesting a protective effect of nutritional supplements to dose. In other words, the proportion of food that is quite accessible.

In practice: It is not necessary to take a supplement, in addition to medical prescription. different minerals and vitamins must come from According to some studies, hormone treatments (HRT / HRT) containing estrogen and progestin increased the risk of breast cancer. For the French Agency for Safety of Health Products (AFSSAPS), the risk "is officially shown for more than five years of service life." There is no certainty regarding estrogen alone but remained cautious. Recent data from the Million Women Study showed an excess risk of ovarian cancer with all THMs from 5 years outlet.

In practice: The Afssaps recommends HRT as menopausal disorders really bothered every day. recipes must be at the lowest dose. The risk-benefit ratio should be reviewed annually.

11. THM / THS: Beware

According to some studies, hormone treatments (HRT / HRT) containing estrogen and progestin increased the risk of breast cancer. For the French Agency for Safety of Health Products (AFSSAPS), the risk "is officially shown for more than five years of service life." There is no certainty regarding estrogen alone but remained cautious. Recent data from the Million Women Study showed an excess risk of ovarian cancer with all THMs from 5 years outlet.

In practice: The Afssaps recommends HRT as menopausal disorders really bothered every day. recipes must be at the lowest dose. The risk-benefit ratio should be reviewed annually.

12. Moderate Your Salt Intake

Meat, ready meals, cheese: very salty foods will promote certain cancers. If the exact mechanism remains unclear, salt damage is present in the stomach mucosa. Results: it increases the risk of stomach cancer. Foods preserved by salting also supports nasopharyngeal cancer, a part of the pharynx at the back of the nasal cavity.

In practice: Avoid exceeding 6 grams of salt intake per day. Among the foods to watch for: smoked meat and fish or preserved by salting, appetizers cakes, quiches and soups trade. Water also contains a lot of sodium. To enhance the flavor of dishes, the herb is good alternative.taille text talk on cancer forum

13. Remember Playback

Getting tested is the best way to detect cancer as early as possible and increase the chances of recovery. Drugs can detect most cancers are the most common.

In practice: Breast cancer detected primarily by mammography. Cervical cancer is detected by smear. Colorectal cancer: with Hemoccult II test and possibly a colonoscopy. The person concerned should not hesitate to participate in free screenings organized. There is no systematic screening for prostate cancer is done by digital rectal examination and a blood test (PSA assay). To reduce the risk of skin cancer, it is recommended to regularly consult a dermatologist. Especially if the moles appear irregular or changes appearance.

Sahabat realm healthy, that's 13 Tips To Avoid Cancer kuti healthy all-round team from various sources. hopefully useful and healthy hello ... !!!

Source: Physical activity and cancer risk, Hardman AE 2001.
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