Some Foods That Cause Stomach Bloating

Realmhealthy - Some people consider bloating belching and farting to make them redundant. While others define as belly bloating which can be accompanied with constipation or not at all. Whatever the cause, you should avoid the worst foods for flatulence as reported by the Huffington Post below.

Foods That Cause Stomach Bloating

Green Leafy Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables such as broccoli or cabbage contain sulfur and carbohydrate called raffinose. Both are difficult to digest by the body. Although cooking may help break down these compounds, but eat green leafy vegetables are not able to relieve bloating experienced.

Dairy Products

Not everyone bloating after eating dairy products. However most of them suffer from lactose intolerance, a condition in which the body does not have the enzymes to break down lactose. The same is true for people who are gluten intolerance. Being unable to break down gluten - compounds in wheat - can also be a bloated stomach. Also read the article MILK SURPRISING FACTS

Fatty Foods

Eating high-fat foods is not a good idea when the stomach is bloated. Because fat is very difficult to digest than carbohydrates or protein. So eating fatty foods will only worsen flatulence.

Junk Food

Since most junk food containing high fat and sugar, these foods also include bad for people with flatulence. Avoid junk food if you do not want the condition becomes more severe flatulence.

Similarly, various worst foods for flatulence. One way to relieve flatulence can be done by enjoying the warm ginger tea.Greeting healthy, may be useful
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