Really Cucumber, Cheese And Eggplant Can Cause Whitish

Realmhealthy - Some women avoid certain foods believed to trigger whitish. Here the food is always disangkut-sangkutkan can trigger vaginal discharge, really? or just a myth!

Really Cucumber, Cheese And Eggplant Can Cause Whitish

1. Pineapple

Pineapple or known as Ananas comosus, is a type of fruit that has always been associated with the appearance of whitish. Though whitish appearance has nothing to do with pineapple pineapple even if you lack many vitamins and fiber that is actually good for health. Pineapples also contain amino acids, tryptophan is able to avoid yourself from defresi besides the content of pineapple that has antioxidants and beta-carotene can improve concentration and prevent cataracts.

2. Cucumbers

Most women avoid eating cucumber. Myth cucumbers can trigger vaginal discharge, really? Cucumber or Cucumis sativus in Latin appeared to contain the water content is high enough and has health benefits for .Kandungan vitamin A, B, and C, minerals, magnesium, potassium, manganese and silica is able to care for the skin, digestion and treat diabetes. In addition, the malonic acid content which serves to reduce the weight and content of kukurbitasin C to boost immunity and prevent disease hepatitis.

3. Pisang Ambon

Correct single women should not eat bananas? Scientific reasons quoted republika according to nutrition expert Prof. Ir Ahmad Sulaiman MS PhD, a scientific explanation that the content of banana makes high libido that consumption of too much is not recommended for single woman. However, there is no relationship at all with the trigger discharge.

4. Drink Soda

Excess sugar content contained in soda does trigger the growth of yeast and fungi. Fungus Candida albicans is a type of microorganism that can trigger vaginal discharge, it didukunng by a statement from the Department of Health And Human Services in the United States .Mengkonsumsi soda should be limited.

5. Dried Fruit

Dried fruits contain sugar fructose is high this causes uncontrolled fungal development. This does not close the possibility of the development of the fungus in the area of ​​femininity sparking discharge.

6. Cheese

Food produced from the fermentation of the fungus thought to trigger the appearance and can become infected, causing vaginal discharge. Other fermented foods such as cheese, tomato paste, mushrooms and beer. Are advised to limit consumption of foods containing yeast.

7. Eggplant

Many of the myths that developed in the community who say that eggplant trigger a whitish, really? Is in fact inversely, eggplant with Phycocynanin content of even healthful. Dpaat diverse diseases prevented by consuming eggplant, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's. Besides the content of resveratrol can prevent heart disease.

According to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Andalas Padang, Dr. Yusrawati, SpOG (K) asserts that there is no type of fruit that cause vaginal discharge. Cause of vaginal discharge is not a factor of food but an infection from bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses. Certain types of food allow the fungus to multiply in the body, not close allowing the fungi that cause vaginal discharge. Therefore, for those of you who are experiencing vaginal discharge. Avoid the following foods:

1. Foods Containing Much Sugar

According to Dr Cook web site enhancement fungi or yeast can be caused by excessive consumption of carbohydrates. The content that stores excess sugar carbohydrates that are not all needed by the body. Some foods that can trigger discharge is soda, alcohol, drinks with added sugar content in excess.

2. Foods Containing Yeast

Foods containing yeast or mold is not good if consumed for those who experience vaginal discharge because it can trigger excessive vaginal discharge. Avoid fermented foods such as cheese, tomato paste and mushrooms.

3. Dried Fruits

Statement The Department of Health and Human Services in the United States cited in excess sugar content trigger candida albicans fungus growing cause of vaginal discharge. This does not rule out the possibility to dried fruits.

(* Realm Healthy And From various sources)
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