Milk Surprising Facts

Realmhealthy - If you think the milk is always good for health, maybe you should look at this. Health motivator at the same yoga instructor, Erikar Lebang express milk surprising facts. In his book "Myths and Facts Health, Erikar write some interesting things. Such as the fact that milk is often understood to form bone in children.

Milk Surprising Facts

Calcium Needs Magnesium

According Erikar, calcium is the key reason why milk is considered as pengasup primary nutrient in human life. "Calcium, made identical with bones and high growth of a child. Whereas calcium should cooperate with other minerals to form strong bones, namely magnesium ". But not the mineral magnesium that can be accommodated enough for the daily needs of human milk.

"So without magnesium, calcium in milk is not at all useful for bone formation. Precisely the more milk you drink, then piles of calcium in the blood will accumulate, "he said. It even resulted in impaired health functions. "And the condition is called hiperkalsimea calcium overload, which can damage cells and tissues of the body," he continued.

Protein In Milk

The protein content of cow's milk is high. But it is very different from human proteins required primarily associated with the digestive system.

"Casein, the protein of cow's milk, it makes the most difficult to digest milk. Casein will immediately after the clot into the stomach and will cause health problems, "he said. Then it Erikar mentions that lactose cow's milk are not able to digest properly human. Because humans produce lactase enzyme to break down lactose.

"This enzyme is slowly disappearing in the age of 2-3 years. the combination of lactase enzyme the body's production and cow's milk are not able to help the human digestive, "he wrote.

Ultra High Temperature (UHT)

Many dairy products are claimed to be the best dairy products as free from harmful bacteria are killed by the UHT process before it is packaged and marketed. "The fact is overlooked and not revealed lactase enzyme found in milk does not withstand the heat above 45 degrees Celsius," he explained.

Through UHT heating technique that reaches 120-130 degrees Celsius, it was confirmed that the enzyme was totally dead. Though these enzymes is very important because it serves to protect the teeth, increasing the number of good bacteria, prevent cancer, lower cholesterol, prevent obesity, prevent diabetes and prevent osteoporosis.
